11/15/ · On reflection of the module, I would say it has – some positive, some negative. The vast amount of information, knowledge and resources which I have gathered has been great in giving me the confidence to go out and teach all aspects of HWB Reflective Essay on Module. 10 October In this module, we were given to make a poster and a formal report. In this way I felt the module evaluates an individual in different ways and on different aspects. By making a poster the creativity of an individual can be evaluated Since more than one year ago, I work and I study simultaneously, and things that I learned during this module brought me to a higher level that I was not expecting from myself. I will introduce my job in few words and describe how what I got from the “Core Business Skills” module changed the way I
End of Module Reflection | A Journey Through Learning
Throughout this 1st semester, I have enjoyed the HWB module. Working with others during the inputs has enabled me to further develop my communication skills as well as skills such as listening and empathy.
Furthermore, working with others on some of the tasks has made the experience more enjoyable. I feel I have learnt a lot from them as professionals, sharing reflective essay on university module and thoughts about many different issues — seeing different perspectives and encouraging me to develop my own thinking. Firstly, we had 3 compulsory ones which had to be completed and thereafter the rest were up to us to make our own choices about which ones we were going to complete, reflective essay on university module.
I chose to do the vast majority of the reflective essay on university module based on what I felt I had an interest in but also, I chose some which I thought would challenge me. I believe I felt these would challenge me due to not having much experience in the areas, therefore aiding my professional development. For the most part, these tasks have been enjoyable to complete. It was a continuous process throughout the module with the majority of tasks being completed before the end of October.
I feel that by doing them throughout the module it has taken some stress away from the completion of the assignment as a whole, reflective essay on university module.
I chose to do this portfolio as a blog on Glow due to feeling like I wanted to make it a bit more interactive rather than just word documents on a USB. Having this online and on Glow means I will always have access to the information as this is a system teachers continue to utilise in practice. Furthermore, Thorburn also states, reflective essay on university module, that.
Having the opportunity to experience the Glow system before going out into practice, I feel more confident in using it and recognise the advantages of such a tool. On reflection of the module, I would say it has — some positive, some negative. The vast amount reflective essay on university module information, knowledge and resources which I have gathered has been great in giving me the confidence to go out and teach all aspects of HWB.
In addition, I feel that it has made me want to continue making positive changes ie. exercise more, eat better etc. in my own life. However, uni life does make this slightly difficult at times!! Unfortunately, it has been a very demanding module at a time when thesis is also very demanding which has been slightly difficult to balance. HWB is such a huge curricular area and there is SO much to learn and take in that it is impossible to know everything.
I feel I have far exceeded the 30hrs due to:. Overall, I have enjoyed the module. I just wish there had been more opportunities throughout university to build such a bank of resources as we have only covered small amounts. I am glad that I made this decision as I now feel more confident in delivering lessons in specific areas which I previously was slightly daunted by.
I hope that you enjoy reading the posts and that my commitment, time and efforts have been portrayed! Thorburn, M.
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How to write a Reflective Essay
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11/15/ · On reflection of the module, I would say it has – some positive, some negative. The vast amount of information, knowledge and resources which I have gathered has been great in giving me the confidence to go out and teach all aspects of HWB Since more than one year ago, I work and I study simultaneously, and things that I learned during this module brought me to a higher level that I was not expecting from myself. I will introduce my job in few words and describe how what I got from the “Core Business Skills” module changed the way I 1/28/ · As I began with the module I was quite happy that it has been included in the course, as it would help me overcome academic writing skills difficulties. Although, initially I did feel that the module would only aim at giving academic support, but eventually I realized that like its name suggests it also helped develop my personalities as well
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