Oral History Reflection Assignment. You will view on an oral history of more than 10 minutes. You will then write a word essay reflection essay about the oral history you watched. Below are some suggestions for some oral histories and questions that will guide your reflection This is in Spanish) (Cuban American History. This is in Spanish) (WW2 veteran) (9/11 Oral History) For your Reflection Essay, please answer these questions within your essay. The assignment should be words double-spaced, inch font and uploaded to the reflection drop box. Please place your word count at the end of your essay Through Oral history, intellectual historians comprised a methodical accumulation of a living population’s deposition about their encounters and experiences. It is also conveniently malleable so that people from adolescence to adulthood can become accustomed to the procedures of listening and querying to discover and grasp information about past events and historical anecdotes
Oral History Reflection - Words | Bartleby
In the essay he tells us the struggles he had gone through to learn how to read, something that would be considered today as normal. In oral history reflection essay following paragraphs, we will argue whether, his essay could be used as credible and useful source for an academic research paper.
Frederick Douglass is a oral history reflection essay figure well known in the world for his contribution to the abolitionist movement in the ninetieth century, oral history reflection essay. There are many schools, streets, libraries named after him. Both helped to establish their own ideals concerning the oral history reflection essay of integration. Each of their writings influence society still today as people struggle with the issues of minority in America.
The analysis of Booker T. Later in his life he wrote an autobiography called The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. The autobiography talked about how he lived, and revealed his true identity. Then he started an antislavery newspaper called the North Star. Frederick worked hard and gave a lot speeches so everyone would know what slavery was like. All his contributions influenced others about equality. Carter Godwin Woodson remains a legendary figure among black scholars, especially in the field of Afro-American history, oral history reflection essay.
He initiated the annual celebration of the Negro history, which marked a stride in an attempt to eliminate racial based discrimination. His numerous work shed light on the extent of economic exploitation, cultural isolation, and segregation that dominated the society.
Witnesses in Shoah served a variety of functions including testifying, persuading and leaving a legacy as well as promoting moral messages. The witnesses play the role of testifiers as they are telling the story of their history by providing their personal testimonies. According to Felman, a witness that testifies is taking responsibility for the truth, as history has to be told from the perspective of a witness to the event Felman, oral history reflection essay, Furthermore, the function of a witness who testifies is to appeal to the heart of the audience as the story is personal Wiewiorka, Since the experience is being told from the first person perspective, it can be more easily understood.
DuBois targets an audience of any open-minded reader that is willing to read about history from the lens of an African American.
One of his main claims is that the history of African Americans is subjective and belittling, that it. He informs people oral history reflection essay through our history books, there have been modifications that restrain the truth about the struggles black people faced. Malcolm X encouraged his audience to strive to get the rights that they deserved, oral history reflection essay.
He demonstrates that knowledge is very important because the truth empowers us. In his interview he persuades his audience with diction, tone, pathos, ethos, and appeal to emotion to make his point. The Mysteries of George Washington Edward G.
Lengel is an American historian, professor at the University of Virginia and is currently the Editor-in-Chief at the Papers of George Washington. The audience for this bookseller oral history reflection essay for scholars who would be willing to gain a new insight on Washington 's legacy.
Nevertheless, this book is an important contribution to our combined historical knowledge. Because of the numerous of tales surrounding Washington 's work and life, this was basically the reasoning on why he wrote this book.
African-American author Toni Morrison 's book, Beloved, oral history reflection essay, describes a black culture born out of a dehumanising period of slavery just after the Civil War.
Culture is a means of how a group collectively believe, act, and interact on a daily basis. Although African Americans had a difficult time establishing their oral history reflection essay culture during the period of slavery when they were considered less than human, Morrison believes that black culture has been built on the horrors of the past and it is this history that has shaped contemporary black culture in a positive way.
Through the use of linguistic devices, her representation of black women, imagery and symbolic features, and the theme of interracial relations, Morrison illustrates that black culture that is resilient, vibrant, independent, and determined.
In his speeches and writings he highlighted the torture slaves endured. What was once spoken to American citizens was slaves did not know how to function as regular citizens, but here Frederick Douglas proved different. Frederick Douglas fought for reform and did so through writing books not oral history reflection essay of his life and experiences but of slavery itself.
He spoke to many at functions which proved his intelligence even more eloquently as they experienced it firsthand. IPL Reflection On Oral History. Reflection On Oral History Words 6 Pages. In my contribution I would like to reflect on oral history from the perspective of recent debates regarding oral history as autobiography.
Oral history has been increasingly recognized both in academia as outside as a valuable contribution to recording the historical experiences of ordinary people. It became a movement to reconstruct the past of people who historically have been excluded from historiography and by doing this historian gave them a share in writing their own history.
Oral history, therefore, played an emancipating role in the democratization of historiography and served as a means for social and political empowerment. The founding father of British oral history, Paul Thompson in his book Voice of the Past underscores that oral history opened new areas of inquiry, oral history reflection essay, challenged some of oral history reflection essay assumptions and accepted judgments of historians, brought recognition to substantial groups of people who had before been ignored ' Thompson.
In the Caribbean oral history has been also used to document the history of the black working class— both men and women- who for long were ignored and silenced in history Brother etc. In oral history, the focus is on interviewing as the researcher interviews individuals and collect their life testimonies and personal recollections about the past.
As a method, it relies on the ability of the researcher to elicit information from the participant and requires interviewer skills of restraint and listening, as well as. Show More. Read More. Compare And Contrast Booker T Washington And W. Dubois Words 5 Pages DuBois. Frederick Douglass's Contribution To The Anti-Slavery Movement Words 1 Pages Later in his life he wrote an autobiography called The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass, oral history reflection essay, an American Slave.
Summary Of Mis-Education Of The Negro By Carter Godwin Woodson Words 5 Pages Carter Godwin Woodson remains a legendary figure among black scholars, especially in the field of Afro-American history. Witnesses In Shoah Analysis Words 7 Pages Witnesses in Shoah served a variety of functions including testifying, persuading and leaving a legacy as well as promoting moral messages.
Dubois Propaganda Of History Words 2 Pages W. Edward G. Lengel's The Mysteries Of George Washington Words 5 Pages The Mysteries of George Washington Edward G. Summary Of Black Culture In Oral history reflection essay By Toni Morrison Words 8 Pages African-American author Toni Morrison 's book, Beloved, describes a black culture born out of a dehumanising period of slavery just after the Civil War.
Frederick Douglas And Slavery Words 2 Pages In his speeches and writings he highlighted the torture slaves endured. Related Topics. Education Writing Learning History United States Psychology.
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Zoom Recording Webinar, UC Berkeley Oral History Center 07 24 2020
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An Oral Interview With Vanna Moore Essay Words | 7 Pages. Reflection Paper On September of , I did an oral interview with Vanna Moore about her military past and Vanna’s ties to Texas. Over the whole interview, I asked her questions about her experience in Afghanistan and how it shaped her views of her state of Texas This is in Spanish) (Cuban American History. This is in Spanish) (WW2 veteran) (9/11 Oral History) For your Reflection Essay, please answer these questions within your essay. The assignment should be words double-spaced, inch font and uploaded to the reflection drop box. Please place your word count at the end of your essay Oral History Reflection Assignment. You will view on an oral history of more than 10 minutes. You will then write a word essay reflection essay about the oral history you watched. Below are some suggestions for some oral histories and questions that will guide your reflection
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