7/2/ · Statutes, regulations and by-laws are all examples of legislation. Your research plan should include these steps: Write down the names of any potentially relevant legislation you are already aware of; Add other legislation to this list as you conduct your research; Update your legislation for currency; Research your legislation for judicial interpretation It establishes the scope, context, and significance of the research being conducted by summarizing current understanding and background information about the topic, stating the purpose of the work in the form of the research problem supported by a hypothesis or a set of questions, explaining briefly the methodological approach used to examine the research problem, highlighting the potential outcomes your study can reveal, and outlining the remaining structure and organization of the paper/5(3K) The following example of a research paper is the perfect place to get started. Example of Abstract After submitting the research proposal, prepare for writing a seasoned abstract section
Legal Research Essay Example
Jill and Jane are twin law students who are undertaking their first research assignment. For their assignment, they need to research and write an essay about a High Court case of their choosing, they need to explain the facts of the case, identify the legal issues, explain what the outcome was, and explain if and how that case changed the law.
Even though they are twins they have two very different ways of researching for their assignments. Read below about how each twin undertakes their research. What method will you try for your assignment research? Jill reads through the question several times so she is very clear on what she has to do. She reads through the marking rubric on her Learnline unit and attends the lecture where the lecturer explains how it is important for this topic to search beyond the case.
Jill understands that researching the case is only one aspect of the overall assignment. She wants to get the research done quickly as she knows that she will have to spend most of her time analysing the case, understanding legal issue, writing, and proofreading before submission, legal research paper sample.
Web search, legal research paper sample. Jill starts off with a Google search and chooses the keywords 'famous high court case australia'. Jill clicks second link Top 10 Most Influential Court Cases of the Last 40 Years. Jill's notes that the page was created from The College of Law, which may be ok as an initial source, was published in so won't have any cases since then but thinks an older case may be easier to choose as there may be more time to publish information on it.
Reading through the list of cases Jill is interested in the cases of Dietrich v The Queen fromshe thinks the right to a fair trial will be interesting to research, legal research paper sample. Jill then types 'dietrich v the queen' in Google reads a Wikipedia entry which gives her the citation [] HCA 57 and a quick overview of what the case was about.
Searching for Case Law in FirstPoint. Jill then wants to check out a more detailed legal summary of the case to understand the legal issues. Jill remembers from her library workshop that she did early in the semester that legal research paper sample can get some easy-to-read case summaries through FirstPoint. Jill does a Google search for the Law Guide by typing the keywords 'Law Guide CDU' into the search box. The Law Guide is the first result and Jill finds the link to FirstPoint on the page and logs in using her student email and password.
After logging in Jill types the citation she found online into the citation search box which brings her back the case. From FirstPoint, Jill can read the summary of the case, legal research paper sample, she can also download the full-text case as a PDF as she finds this easier to read and print out to make her own notes, legal research paper sample, Jill sees the PDF at the top and saves it to a folder on her laptop to print out.
Jill also sees that the case has been published in the Commonwealth Law Reports and decides to use this version. Not only is legal research paper sample authorised law report, it will make her other research easier as journal articles will refer to this version of the case when they use page numbers and is a citation requirement of the AGLC. Jill wants to know if this case is still good law, legal research paper sample. She goes to the bottom of the FirstPoint entry and sees that some cases that have been handed down since her case have been distinguished, some cases have also been applied and considered in very recently.
Jill makes here own conclusion about the case based on the evidence FirstPoint has given her. Searching for Journals in Google Scholar and Library Search. Legal research paper sample notes that she will have to go beyond just finding the case and will need to find out more about the right to a fair trial, legal research paper sample.
She clicks on 'Related Documents' at the top of the FirstPoint page and can see a list of relevant journal articles, some are direct links to articles. For the articles with no links, she can copy and paste the title into either Library Search or Google Scholar to see where and if copies are available in another database. Based legal research paper sample this list Jill selects 4 journal articles: A Constitutional Right to a Fair Trial?
Implications for the Report of the Australian Criminal Justice SystemDietrich, the High Court and Unfair Trials and Difficulty in Obtaining a Fair Trial in Terrorism Cases. All of them have quick summaries at the top so Jill can scan through them easily, legal research paper sample, they are written by experts and the citation details at the top of the articles make them easy to cite.
Jill realises that she may need more resources for her assignment so she searches Library Search from the library home page. She types in the keywords: 'right fair trial australia'. Jill find several more articles on the topic of a fair trial, she saves in a folder to read later, they are The Dietrich DilemmaLegal Aid and Access to Legal Representation: Redefining the Right to a Fair Trial and The Truth Can Cost Too Much: The Principles of a Fair Trial.
She chooses these articles as they are about Dietrich and they have been recently published in journals. These are useful articles for Jill as they help her analysie what the case was about, provide her with context and explain the main legal issues. Now Jill has a good collection of resources she can now start writing. Jill reads through the material and makes notes of the case and on the secondary sources she has found.
She summarised the information into her own words and starts grouping the main ideas to form paragraphs in her essay. When Jill is referring to material in her assignment she refers to the authorised version of the Dietrich case from the Commonwealth Law Reportsshe mentions the primary sources of law including the Australian Constitution and the other relevant cases. Jill also relies on the academic quality journal articles to help her interpretation of the legal issues.
Jill doesn't rely on the information from her initial Google or Wikipedia search, she now has better resources to choose from. Jill finishes her writing a couple of days before the assignment is due. This gives her time to read through her essay a couple of times, she checks her references are correct using the AGLC.
After she has looked through her essay a couple of times Jill submits her assignment on time. Final Result. Jill gets her mark back a couple of weeks later. She got a HD! The comments on her essay indicate that she got excellent marks due to her quality research, legal research paper sample, her selection of resources and the academic quality of her work.
Jill is glad she saved time researching by starting with some easy searches and then building up to academic quality material, it saved her time reading and helped her pick out the legal issues. Jane reads through the assignment once and is really confused. She is not quite sure where to start but hears from another student that they are going to look at the He Kaw Teh case.
Jane decides that she will do this too. Jane assumes that she has to talk about the main issue in the case, she hasn't been going to the lecturers but she is going to spend lots of time on this assignment and find lots of different resources. Web Search. Jane starts her search by typing the case name into Google, and gets to the Wikipedia page He Kaw Teh v The Queen. Jill decides that this information summarises the case enough for her and decided to copy and paste the information into her essay and cite Wikipedia and the source.
Jane still isn't quite sure about what the main point of the case, is but decides to get some information on drug trafficking in Australia as this seems to be the main issue. Jane knows that she needs to go beyond just reading the case as her sister Jill keeps on reminding her. Jane does a Google Search by typing in 'what's the deal with drugs in Australia?
She finds some web pages including information on What It's Like to Deal Drugs in Australia's Capital City, she finds a page on drug use and possession in New South Wales called Lawstuffthen she finds a page called Drug Abuse legal research paper sample a website called HealthDirect and a page about penalties for drug supply from Armstrong Legal.
It takes a while for Jane to read through all the web pages and see keeps on searching to add more resources for her assignment, legal research paper sample. Jane knows that referencing is important so she records all the resources she has by copying the URL and pasting it into here references list at the end of her essay.
This way she will know where the web pages came from. Jane decided that she needs more information on the case so goes back and conducts a Google search using the case name. She finds a case summary of UnitStudy Guides legal research paper sample, she can see that this information originally comes from a textbook but decides to cite this website as an authority of the case.
Jane also finds some criminal law summary notes of a site called student VIP and some cram notes that briefly mention the case. Jill does find a version of the case on Jade but gives up as the case is way too long to read through when she has to do all the research. Jane has spent a fair amount of time surfing the web and decides the quickest way for her to finish she assignment is to copy the best part of her resources into her assignment to form her essay.
Jane is very supervised when she receives a fail grade. Where did it all go wrong? The comments on her paper reveal to Jane that she missed the main issue of the case. Even though the case did involve importing heroin into Australia, the main legal issue was that of intent or 'mens rea'. Research skills are really important but it would have helped Jane is she was clear on what she had to research in the first place. Similarly, because Jane only looked at the case on Jade, legal research paper sample, she didn't get the benefit of reading a full case summary, she also didn't have the benefit of having the case history and clear evidence that demonstrated if the case was still being used in the law today.
Jane also lost marks because here resources were of poor quality, using the web is useful for the initial stage of research is useful, however, when selecting resources to include in an academic essay Jane would have been better off looking at academic sources to support her arguments.
Jane also lost marks by not following the AGLC in relation to citation. A list of URL's at the end of the essay led to her easily missing marks compared to placing them in the correct format.
The most serious problem with Janes essay was that when she was writing, she was mostly a copying and pasting from the various sources she found without quotation marks and without analysis. When you write your essay, it must be in your own words and your own work. If you copy and past you must acknowledge that it isn't your own writing. This has also raised an issue with plagiarism and now Jane may have breached academic integrity she is called in to talk to her lecturer under the CDU Student Breach of Academic Integrity Procedure.
It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. This website works best with legal research paper sample browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, legal research paper sample, and Edge. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results, legal research paper sample.
Library Subject guides Law Search Guide Legal Research Examples Search this Guide Search. Law Search Guide: Legal Research Examples This guide is essential for every law student, legal research paper sample. Learn how to undertake legal research legal research paper sample quick and simple methods. Home How do I? Jill Jill reads through the question several times so she is very clear on what she has to do.
Web search Jill starts off with a Google search and chooses the keywords 'famous high court case australia'. Searching for Case Law in FirstPoint Jill then wants to check out a more detailed legal summary of the case to understand the legal issues. Searching for Journals in Google Scholar and Library Legal research paper sample Jill notes that she will have to go beyond just finding the case and will need to find out more about the right to a fair trial.
Writing Now Jill has a good collection of resources she can now start writing. Final Result Jill gets her mark back a couple of weeks later.
Jane Jane reads through the assignment once and is really confused.
, time: 10:01Research Paper Example - Outline and Free Samples

2/14/ · Law Search Guide: Legal Research Examples. Jill and Jane are twin law students who are undertaking their first research assignment. For their assignment, they need to research and write an essay about a High Court case of their choosing, they need to explain the facts of the case, identify the legal issues, explain what the outcome was, and explain Author: Rachel Klesch It establishes the scope, context, and significance of the research being conducted by summarizing current understanding and background information about the topic, stating the purpose of the work in the form of the research problem supported by a hypothesis or a set of questions, explaining briefly the methodological approach used to examine the research problem, highlighting the potential outcomes your study can reveal, and outlining the remaining structure and organization of the paper/5(3K) 12/1/ · Using doctrinal legal research methods and applying a normative, human rights framework, this paper concludes that while there are no out-right violations of fundamental rights and freedoms Author: Tom R. Tyler
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