5/8/ · The term barangay was derived from the word “balangay” meaning boat. Barangay was led by an elder, warriors and a chieftain sometimes called Datu, Hari, or Rajah, Lakan or Sultan (in Muslim community) or any name which connotes the leadership One of the most common problem in the Barangay Mojon Tampoy is the improper waste disposal, which could affect the current living of the residents of the barangay. The type of research approach is The Research paper on Age Verification Systems and Closed User Groups in Germany. Furthermore, automation reduces the use of paper. Barangay File Management System. for example the Barangay Captain, is not present. The office has at least signed blank clearances and/or permits in
Barangay Information Management System Essay Example
To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. Download Free DOCX. Download Free PDF. RESEARCH PAPER - Out of School Youth in our Barangay. Christal Mae Cabanag.
Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. READ PAPER. The government should ensure and support the education of every child. But this is not really applied by other institutions for they are concern on the salary of the teachers especially in example of research paper about barangay school.
Public schools offer free tuition for enrolment for elementary but also in High School students. This may count for high enrolment in schools, although the enrolment has a high result, many poor families in unable to finance the ancillary school needs of their children. Department of Education has now a program for out of school youth which is the Alternative Learning System ALS in which all the non-schoolers are given opportunity to pursue schooling.
And even for those who are already married, they can still attend this program if they want to have a certificate that will help example of research paper about barangay find a better job. Also, for those who are dropped out in Elementary and Secondary School may have a chance to attend the Tertiary level by passing the examination.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE General Objective: This study is conducted to know the reason why the number of out of school youth is rapidly increasing. The researcher conducts this study because nowadays, many uneducated children are a serious problem for the future of the country, because uneducated and unskilled people with lack of intelligence will not be able to find a good job and will not be successful in the near future. This study can also help the people to realize the importance of having good education and it also for the government to make a solution in order for the youth to have a better education.
This involves a survey for those who are out of school youth. The selection of respondents are only limited since there are lots of people in Tambacan, Bais City who cannot attend formal school.
This research is designed to have a thorough knowledge of problems of youths on why example of research paper about barangay cannot attend a formal school.
And how to them solve their problems by being aware of the programs of the Department of Education. Knowledge can refer to a theoretical or [5] practical understanding of a subject. Poverty — the state of being extremely poor. Being inferior in quality or insufficient in [7] amount. Peer Pressure — is influence that a peer group, observers or individual exerts that [8] encourages others to change their attitudes, values, or behaviours to conform to group norms.
Liquor — alcoholic drink, especially distilled spirits. A liquid produced or used in a process of some kind, in particular, example of research paper about barangay. A disability may be present [10] from birth, or occur during a person's lifetime. Macmillan Dictionary.
Macmillan Publishers Limited. Retrieved Retrieved November 6, Retrieved 18 November Where funds for new projects that would provide the learners a good habitat for learning is being deprive from them because of the rampant corruption of its officers. We all know that the Government are trying there best to give the needs of the students like books, classrooms and a teacher that would facilitate the learners, but this is not good enough for the people need a Government that is not deaf enough to hear the cries of children being squeeze into tiny classrooms and having a booming population of more than 70 plus students.
We need a Government who is not blind to see teachers leaving the country looking for greener pastures and teachers who are teaching in different levels at the same time but with fewer example of research paper about barangay. This is the sacrifices and long suffering of Filipino people.
The Government have already demolished already our right for a better education therefore the Government of the Philippines needs a quick change of its wrong system of governing its nation, example of research paper about barangay. POVERTY- even the education is free, many Filipinos can not afford still to go to school because of the lack of essential needs like bag, notebooks, paper, writing materials etch. To very poor people they can not even afford to eat three times a day that's why it is more important for example of research paper about barangay is food example of research paper about barangay than investing for the education for there children.
BAD PEER PRESSURE - some common reasons why children, and teens drop out are there bad peers. What are these bad pressure they are influencing to them? Here are some examples example of research paper about barangay by: ashetreemeadow premarital sex [or even sex between minors] under-age drinking liquor drugs of any kind marijuana, cocaine, shabu etc. Vices are like bad habits or addictions that are always considered as too much for a person. This is an issue that most high school drop-outs even in elementary are addicted on this vices like drinking liquors, smoking, drug addiction, bad peer pressure even addiction in computer games can cause a drop outs in certain schools where it will lead to out of school youths who are a becoming an additional burden to our society.
DISTANT PARENTS - These is a good example for Over Seas Filipino Workers OFWOFW parents do distant parenting strategies. Which is not effective, example of research paper about barangay, said by Alvin Ang of the University of Santo Tomas working as a cites economist.
by the article of LUIS CARLO S. LIBERATO Feb. CHILD LABOR - refers to the illegal employment of children below 18 years old in hazardous occupations. Under-age children are being forced to manual Labor to help their families mainly due to poverty. About 2. Child Labor has many ill effects in children who are supposed to be in the environment of a classroom rather than roaming the streets and risking every chance, time and time again, to earn enough money.
Because of child Labor, children suffer from malnutrition, hampered growth and improper biological development. html 8. TEACHER FACTOR - some teachers in rural areas have an unruly attitude, who does not care if there students are coming to school or not weather they are teaching the right thing or not who always mocks punish children without any reason.
LAZINESS - is the noun for lazy which mean the lack of desire to do something. Laziness can be aroused because of the entire factor which was mentioned above where students are becoming lazy because of the lack of motivation that keeps them going. This term paper will not become complete if the things and strategies used to gather important and pertinent information is not accurate and reliable.
The respondents who are then directed to answer the questionnaire are the people who are experiencing the said topic. This will be given to the individual who have a experiencing the said topic. With the use of this, important information about the topic is gathered by the researcher. Is Education important to you? Number of Respondents Yes No Maybe 0 0 2.
What is your highest educational attainment? What is your reason for not attending formal school? Are you willing to continue your studies with the help of the programs of DepEd? ALS, TESDA, etc.
Number of Respondents Yes No Maybe 0 0 Based on the results, all of them answered yes when asked if education is important to them. The major problem that the out of school youth is the high cost of education that we all know there are lots of people who are suffering from poverty.
Their parents cannot afford their studies. So how example of research paper about barangay can pay for their education? No money even for school supplies, even if there are no tuition fees in public schools. Poor families will naturally prioritize food. Most poor families can't even eat 3 meals a day, so schooling off the kids just cannot be funded. Almost all of the respondents stopped when they reached secondary high school level because of that problem, example of research paper about barangay.
All of the respondents want to have a good education they want to go to school if there is an opportunity. This importance of education is basically for two reasons. Example of research paper about barangay first is that the training of a human mind is not complete without education. Education makes man a right thinker, example of research paper about barangay. It tells man how to think and how to make decision.
We cannot really deny the fact that the Philippines is a third world country where poverty is rampant and the hardships of life is in one package deal already. To very poor people they cannot even afford to eat three times a day that's why it is more important for them is food rather than investing for the education for their children. Put a check mark on your answer. check as many as you can XI. Washington, D. Related Papers. dropouts continue their studies through ALS.
By Julie Tagle. A Lived Experience on the Quality of Life among Out of School Youth in Barangay Arroyo Compound, Matina Crossing, example of research paper about barangay, Davao City.
By Shekinah Elorza. THESIS REVISION- A Lived Experience Nursing Research Final. Nursing Research- Participants' Transcription.
How to Write a Research Paper Introduction
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Any change on the independent variable may take effect on the dependent variable. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design This study made use of descriptive research design in collecting existing data to answer questions about the current status of the subject or topic of study which is the most encountered problems in the barangay 5/8/ · The term barangay was derived from the word “balangay” meaning boat. Barangay was led by an elder, warriors and a chieftain sometimes called Datu, Hari, or Rajah, Lakan or Sultan (in Muslim community) or any name which connotes the leadership This paper example is written by Benjamin, a student from St. Ambrose University with a major in Management. All the content of this paper consists of his personal thoughts on Barangay Information Management System and his way of presenting arguments and should be used only as a possible source of ideas and arguments
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