Critical incident analysis. Throughout this assessment I will analyse a critical incident of an interaction between a worker and a service user or carer during my statutory observation experience. I will conclude my own assessment of the situation and demonstrate my understanding of the use of self, context in which social work takes place and the knowledge and methods of practice 1/26/ · Critical Incident Analysis Essay Example This visit resulted in aggressive and abusive encounter and Mat was then admitted to hospital, (Appendix 2). This incident is critical to me as it presented a learning opportunity as well as a risk of physical harm to me and the nurses with me A critical incident can include various situations but normally during the day and life of a nurse, everyday situations can also bring their problems. I will refer to an incident where a simple catheter injection which could have been simple to an experienced nurse was left to me, a trainee who was rather inexperienced (An Bord Altranis )
Critical Incident Analysis Essay - Words | Bartleby
In this assignment, I will analyse and reflect on two critical incidents and draw conclusions relating to personal learning outcomes. The significance of critical analysis and critical incidents will briefly be discussed followed by the process of reflection using the chosen models.
A Critical incident is something we interpret as a problem or challenge in a context, rather than a routine occurrence. The incident is said to be critical because it is valuable and has some meaning.
Pollard points out that reflection can help to develop the quality of teaching. In addition, being reflective allows one to analyse and consider ways to improve professional development. Nonetheless, Cottrell argues that there can be barriers to critical thinking because some may assume that it is a negative activity. Therefore, one may feel that it is only necessary to make positive comments rather than seeking for areas of development. Tripp advocates that reflective teaching is crucial because it enables one to evaluate the decisions that they have made and consider ways to develop and progress in their professional development.
One incident in which I will critically analyse in my first essay using option Critical incident analysis essay example of BG choices, critical incident analysis essay example. Was a time in which I confronted during my school placement and the other is option C which is a reason I got into teaching. I will reflect on the implication that my critical incidents have had on my practise and I will relate it to theory. Therefore in addition, critical incident analysis essay example, within one critical incident I will make reference to this analysis which has been outlined by Tripp using all 4 approaches and in my second incident I will analysis Gibbs, Reflective Cycle Model in which will examine the ways in which I can develop my teaching practice.
In this essay I will discuss my critical incident that happened to me whilst I was on my school placement, I will be using Gibbs reflective cycle model to help me analyse the incident as I feel that this is a simple model, which is well structured and easy to use, critical incident analysis essay example.
The Gibbs model of reflection suggests that the process of reflection is systematic and follows a number of specific steps in order to critical incident analysis essay example successful.
This model of critical incident analysis essay example is a type of formal reflection, critical incident analysis essay example, which draws on research and puts forward a theory as to how most effectively put into practice to process of reflection.
The process can be broken down into six key steps:. The action plan is put into place in order to deal more effectively with the situation if or when it may arise again. My incident happened when I was on my self-arranged placement. I was in a Year 2 class, it was in a class of 26 pupils and in that class, there was one child with Down Syndrome that had severe hearing and vison problems. Children with the condition are generally slower to learn skills such as reaching, sitting, standing walking and talking.
Unfortunately for the child she also was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum disorder which affects her social interaction, communication, interests and behaviour. The child was unable to partake in any of the activities that the other children were doing and had to one on one care at all times, this will be a continuous thing throughout critical incident analysis essay example life.
During critical incident analysis essay example lesson the SEND child would not sit down at a table and started climbing on the furniture, she then had to be led by the TA outside of the classroom for a walk. After I thought more about why this incident may have occurred and why she was in the class considering her circumstances.
Critical incident analysis essay example only was she disturbing other pupils. What was she getting from being in that class? Could she be placed critical incident analysis essay example a school with specific help for her needs? specialised help. Or is she benefiting from that class to build her social awareness? And where all parties included when discussing what is best for the child?
Some of the many questions that where going through my head at the time of incident. I was neither happy or unhappy, I was more confused with a bunch of questions. As I know how appropriate it was to ask specific questions on that child.
This incident was something that was out of my control, as I lack experience with SEN it was not my job nor duty to take her elsewhere and quite frankly I would not have known what to do. As this left class without teaching assistant I helped out where I could with other children. I also, without bombarding the teacher asked questions such as child disabilities etc and anything she was critical incident analysis essay example to disclose to be so maybe this would help my understanding more about the situation as on first impressions I would have said she should not be in mainstreamed school she needs extra supported help.
I also during this week asked to go and spend time with child and TA during one lesson where she brought her into a private room to see if I could gain better understanding of the child. Not to jump to conclusion based on disability, getting to build a relationship with each individual child and getting to know critical incident analysis essay example back ground and capabilities. Why was she placed in the mainstreamed school?
What is her back ground? What is she benefiting from it if any? My action plan is if this was to occur again and I was in a situation I would defiantly not jump to a conclusion without doing my research, critical incident analysis essay example. If I am the given teacher of that child then it would be my responsibility to know as much information on the SEND child as possible to give them the best school experience if in mainstreamed or not. Disadvantages of using the reflective model;A more critical approach can be required.
The questions provided by this model may be too general and in need of refinement to apply to a particular context. However Ghaye and Lillyman state that it is miscontructed as ideal for only negative experiences. On the other hand they emphasise that it its strengths lies with the incorporation of knowledge, feelings and action in one learning cycle. Taking action is the key; Gibbs prompts to formulate an action plan. This enables to look at my practice and see what I would change in the future, critical incident analysis essay example, how I would develop and improve my own practice.
Advantages; — Encourages people to think systematically about the phases of an experience. To conclude I believe that Gibbs reflective cycle gives a clear description stage by stage of your reflection of the incident. I will defiantly us this in the future when being reflective on my own work. As I believe Gibbs reflective cycle is clear and precise allowing for description, analysis and evaluation of the experience helping me to make sense of experiences and examines my practice.
Critical Analysis and Critical Incidents. Accessed April 24, Critical Analysis and Critical Incidents Categories: Education Incident.
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Critical Analysis Essay 1
, time: 11:33Critical Incident Assignment Free Essay Example

The purpose of this essay is to reflect and critically study an incident from a clinical setting whilst using a model of reflection. This will allow me to analyse and make sense of the incident and draw conclusions relating to personal learning outcomes. The significance of critical analysis and critical incidents will briefly be discussed followed Critical incident analysis. Throughout this assessment I will analyse a critical incident of an interaction between a worker and a service user or carer during my statutory observation experience. I will conclude my own assessment of the situation and demonstrate my understanding of the use of self, context in which social work takes place and the knowledge and methods of practice 10/26/ · Essay Sample: In this assignment, I will analyse and reflect on a critical incident that I was confronted with during school experience A (here after will be referred +1 () Free essays
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